General Recommendations Concerning:
The Humanitarian Activities Linked to Medjugorje

After the sudden death of Father Slavko Barbaric on Cross Mountain, November 24th, 2000, Fr. Slavko's coworkers, who worked with him on the creation and development of his spiritual and humanitarian projects, continue to take care of them.

Works of Christian charity such as The Mothers’ Village, The Garden of St. Francis, Boys of the Community of the Merciful Father, The Fund of the Friends of Talents, The Fund for Children of Departed Defenders, The Fund for Families with Numerous Children, help for different persons in distress) will continue to live on, thanks to your active charity. The prayer seminars (for couples, for priests, for young people) will continue in the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus and of Our Lady’s messages. The Prayer and Fasting seminars held in the retreat house, ‘Domus Pacis’, will continue to be directed by the Franciscan brothers and religious sisters, followers of Father Slavko and in the spirit of Our Lady.

The temporary Director of all these works and projects is the Pastor of Medjugorje, Dr. Fr. Ivan Sesar. You can contact him and his collaborators (Rita Falsetto and Schwanhild Heintschel von Heinegg) for all information concerning these activities. All these projects receive no state subsidies, and solely run thanks to benevolent gifts by generous people.

Each one of these projects has it’s own account and the intentions of each donor is strictly respected. Out of consideration for all donors, we suggest you ask for a receipt for money or any other donation you have given. This receipt will be supplied by the institution, which you have given your gift to.

We thank you in the name of all those you are supporting for all that you are doing through prayer and through your good works.

Last Modified 11/22/2001